I am an indiepreneur (indie entrepreneur) specializing in web application development, search engine optimization (SEO), and digital marketing. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from Istanbul Technical University and a Master's degree in Informatics from Istanbul University.
With over a decade of experience in the digital landscape, I have successfully developed and optimized numerous websites to improve their visibility and user engagement. My largest project to date is Online Alarm Kur, an online alarm clock application that also allows users to set timers and perform date calculations.
My insights have been featured in publications such as Forbes, U.S. News, and Yahoo. These opportunities have allowed me to share my knowledge with a broader audience in the tech industry.
On this website, you'll find a collection of online tools I've created. Each one addresses specific challenges I've encountered in my work with web development and digital marketing.
I really believe in the concept of "building in public" which means I share my development process and insights as I work. If you're interested in following my journey and staying updated on my latest projects, you can follow me on X.