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Go to Binary to Decimal Converter

What Is the Decimal to Binary Converter

This tool helps you to convert decimal numbers to binary numbers in seconds. While decimal numbers can be made up of the numbers 0 through 9, binary only stores information in 1s and 0s. Whether you're an expert with numbers, or someone who doesn't have any specialized knowledge in the subject, this tool is very user-friendly and simple to work with.

How to Use the Decimal to Binary Converter

  1. Add your decimal number in the "Decimal" box on the left side of the screen.
  2. Press "Convert Decimal to Binary" to begin the conversion process.
  3. Within a second, the conversion tool shows the binary number inside the "Binary" box on the right side.
  4. You can either download or copy the output by clicking the buttons above the "Binary" box.
  5. If you need to run another conversion, simply click the Eraser icon above the "Decimal" box and then follow the steps again.
  6. If you also need to convert binary to decimal, it's as easy as clicking the "Go to Binary to Decimal Converter" button.

How to Convert Decimal to Binary Manually

If you want to learn what this tool is doing behind the scenes, here's an overview of how to convert decimal to binary manually.

  1. The first step is to use long division to divide the decimal number by two, and make note whether the remainder is 1 or 0.
  2. Next, take the result of the first division and divide that number by two, once again making note of the remainder.
  3. Continue this until the result of your division is 0.
  4. To get your binary number, list the remainders you have in reverse order and the sequence of 0s and 1s you end up with is your binary number.

Decimal to Binary Conversion Table
