What Is Text (ASCII)?
The word text in the context of this converter refers to ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) characters. The various characters in ASCII encoding include letters A through Z (both lowercase and uppercase), numbers 0 through 9, and many basic punctuation symbols. ASCII is the most common encoding format for text data on both computers and the internet.
What Is Hex?
Hex numbers (which are also known as hexadecimal numbers) use a base 16 numbering system to represent its numbers. It used the numerals 0 to 9 and the letters A to F to do this. This system is very useful as it lets you represent very large numbers using less digits than many other numbering systems allow for.
What Is the Text to Hex Converter?
This converter lets you easily and instantly translate ASCII text characters into hex numbers. It works directly in your browser without needing to download anything, and doesn't cost anything to use. You're able to use it as often as you like, and don't need to have any advanced knowledge of numbering systems to understand and use it.
How to Use the Text to Hex Converter
- Start the process by entering your text in the "Text" box on the right side of your screen. You're able to type it in manually, but can also paste the text or even upload it.
- Once the text is completely entered, click the "Convert Text to Hex" button to start the conversion process.
- Within a second, the tool converts your text into hex numbers, and displays the number in the "Hex" box on the right side of the screen.
- While you could manually record the hex numbers by hand, you're also able to press the icons above the "Hex" box in order to download or copy the number instantly.
- If you want to convert more text into hex numbers, it's as easy as clicking the eraser icon above the "Text" box, and repeating these steps.
- For those that want to convert hex numbers to text as well, all you need to do is press the "Go to Hex to Text Converter" button.
How to Convert Text to Hex Manually
While this converter does the work for you and saves plenty of time and energy, it's also possible to convert text to hex numbers manually. The easiest way to do this is to find an online ASCII table that shows you all the ASCII characters, codes, and symbols.
Many of these not only show you the ASCII characters, but also what they represent in numbering systems like hex, octal, decimal, and others.
Once you find a table that shows which ASCII text characters represent different hex numerals, simply refer to each character/letter in your text and record what the hex number is.
For example, if you want the hex number for the text HI, simply look for the H and the I in an ASCII table, and record the hex numbers that associate with them, which is 48 and 49. As a result, the hex number for HI is 4849.
ASCII to Hexadecimal Conversion Table
ASCII | Hexadecimal |
20 | |
! | 21 |
" | 22 |
# | 23 |
$ | 24 |
% | 25 |
& | 26 |
' | 27 |
( | 28 |
) | 29 |
* | 2A |
+ | 2B |
, | 2C |
- | 2D |
. | 2E |
/ | 2F |
0 | 30 |
1 | 31 |
2 | 32 |
3 | 33 |
4 | 34 |
5 | 35 |
6 | 36 |
7 | 37 |
8 | 38 |
9 | 39 |
: | 3A |
; | 3B |
< | 3C |
= | 3D |
> | 3E |
? | 3F |
@ | 40 |
A | 41 |
B | 42 |
C | 43 |
D | 44 |
E | 45 |
F | 46 |
G | 47 |
H | 48 |
I | 49 |
J | 4A |
K | 4B |
L | 4C |
M | 4D |
N | 4E |
O | 4F |
P | 50 |
Q | 51 |
R | 52 |
S | 53 |
T | 54 |
U | 55 |
V | 56 |
W | 57 |
X | 58 |
Y | 59 |
Z | 5A |
[ | 5B |
\ | 5C |
] | 5D |
^ | 5E |
_ | 5F |
` | 60 |
a | 61 |
b | 62 |
c | 63 |
d | 64 |
e | 65 |
f | 66 |
g | 67 |
h | 68 |
i | 69 |
j | 6A |
k | 6B |
l | 6C |
m | 6D |
n | 6E |
o | 6F |
p | 70 |
q | 71 |
r | 72 |
s | 73 |
t | 74 |
u | 75 |
v | 76 |
w | 77 |
x | 78 |
y | 79 |
z | 7A |
{ | 7B |
| | 7C |
} | 7D |
~ | 7E |
| 7F |