Supports Unix timestamps in seconds, and milliseconds.

Seconds since Jan 01 1970 (Unix epoch) in local time.

Current Time

Unix Timestamp (seconds)
Unix Timestamp (milliseconds)
ISO 8601
RFC 2822
Local Time
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
POSIX time
Microseconds since epoch
SQL Timestamp
Epoch in Hex

What Is the Unix Timestamp Converter?

This Unix timestamp converter allows you to convert Unix timestamps, also known as Unix Epoch timestamps, into human-readable date formats and vice versa. It is one of the many Unix timestamp conversion tools designed to make working with Unix timestamps simple and efficient.

With this tool, you can also view the current Unix timestamp, which reflects the time according to your local (browser) time. Additionally, you can view the current time below in various formats, such as ISO 8601, UTC, or even the Epoch time in Hex format.

How to Use the Unix Time Converter

From the "Convert Timestamp" tab, simply enter the Unix timestamp. It supports Unix timestamps in both seconds and milliseconds. Then, click the Convert button to see the human readable time in the GMT time zone, your time zone, and relative time formats. On this tab, you can also view the current Unix epoch timestamp (current Unix epoch), also known as the Epoch Unix timestamp, according to your browser's time. The current time is also shown below your converted time in the following formats:

  • Unix Timestamp (seconds (Same as POSIX time)
  • Unix Timestamp (milliseconds)
  • ISO 8601 (GMT time)
  • RFC 2822 (local time)
  • UTC (GMT time)
  • Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
  • POSIX time
  • Microseconds since epoch
  • JavaScript
  • SQL Timestamp (local time)
  • Epoch in Hex

To calculate the Unix epoch timestamp from a time in human readable format, switch over to the Convert Datetime tab, where you can enter the year, month, day, hour, minute, and seconds to convert it to a Unix Epoch timestamp.

What Is Unix Epoch?

The Unix Epoch Timestamp, is simply a representation of time in seconds or milliseconds. It is a count of the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970, midnight at UTC (or the GMT time zone in Greenwich, England) for any particular moment anywhere on Earth.

When counting seconds, the Unix Epoch Timestamp is expressed as a ten-digit integer and is referred to as a timestamp of that instance and exclusively represents the time in UTC. The Unix timestamp can also be represented as the number of milliseconds elapsed since 1/1/1970 at UTC, in which case the number would be 13 digits long. Likewise, the timestamp would be 16 digits long when counting microseconds. The efficient conversion tool on this page will assist you in converting timestamps in either second or millisecond formats into human-readable Date-time-year formats.

Note that this system doesn't count leap seconds, which have been added in ISO 8601 occasionally to align the UTC time scale within ±0.9 s of the UT1 astronomical time scale, which changes slightly due to variations in the rotation of the Earth.

It should be noted that some systems represent the time as a 32-bit integer, which may lead to an overflow issue on January 19, 2038 (also known as Y2038). At this time, 32-bit systems will run out of space to store the time, causing overflow issues. When this happens, adjustments will need to be made for 32-bit systems that use timestamps.

In conclusion, knowing the different timestamp formats and how to convert between them is crucial when working with date and time in computer systems. Epoch time, Unix timestamp, and ISO time string are the most commonly used formats and each have their own advantages.